Cause #5 Fossilised Leaders

“Fossilisation” is the process of rusting in place in a business leadership role, by becoming more averse to change and innovation.  It’s usually caused by age. We are living longer, working longer and, despite having to deal with a global pandemic, we expect to do far more in our lives than ever before. This encourages […]

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Cause #4 Managing Unmet Expectations and Broken Promises in Family Businesses

When people feel betrayed, or unfairly treated, by people they believed they could trust – frustration, resentment, anger, and a strong desire for revenge, are common consequences.  Conflicts brew, and eventually spill over. Despite the fond wish to believe that every family business is a haven of peace, integrity and high trust, the reality is […]

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Cause #3 Human Diversity – Ages & Stages

We don’t pay enough attention to the effect of different ages and stages on people’s thinking and behaviours. This raises real issues when family members working together in a family business are at different ages and stages in their respective lives. We see this most powerfully when two or more generations of a family are […]

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Cause #2 Managing Personality Differences in Family Business Conflicts

Personality differences have huge impacts on the nature and quality of interactions between family members – in and out of a family business – and between family members and family business employees. “Character” is how the world sees you, and how you see yourself – as a stable, accumulated collection of traits and qualities that […]

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Cause #1 Family Business – Blessing, or Curse?

Oh, the drama!  The very word “Family” engages us all, at a visceral level. Whether it’s a light, dark, hot, cold, happy, sad, loved or lonely response, “family” always stirs some sort of emotional response. The words “Family Business” engage us in several additional dimensions: emotional, intellectual, professional and financial.  And from the outside they […]

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